User Account

Two-factor authentication

By requiring more than just a password to sign in, you can give your Outerbase account an additional layer of security.

Enabling two-factor authentication

  1. Click on your avatar in the top right of the nav bar and select Account Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Two-factor authentication section and click Add 2FA Device.
  3. Select what method you would like to use and follow the appropriate steps below:

SMS verification

  1. Select your country code and enter the cell phone number you would like to receive verification texts to.
  2. Click Send code.
  3. Enter the verification code sent to you by Outerbase.
  4. Click Save.

Authenticator app

  1. Open your authenticator app (e.g. Google Auth, 1Password).
  2. Scan the QR code.
  3. Enter the verification code listed for Outerbase.
  4. Click Save.