Connecting to DigitalOcean Database


DigitalOcean offers managed database services that allow you to deploy, manage, and scale relational databases in the cloud. This guide will walk you through the process of connecting your Outerbase application to a DigitalOcean Database instance.


Before you start, make sure you have the following:

  • A DigitalOcean account with active access.
  • A DigitalOcean Database instance already set up with the desired database engine (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.).
  • Access credentials for the database (username and password).
  • The connection information for your DigitalOcean Database instance.
  • Outerbase application environment details.

Step 1: Whitelist IP Addresses

To allow your Outerbase application to communicate with your DigitalOcean Database instance, you need to whitelist the necessary IP addresses.

  1. Log in to your DigitalOcean account.
  2. Navigate to your Database instance.
  3. In the "Overview" section, find the Access from Droplets/Kubernetes settings.
  4. Add the following IP addresses to the allowed IP list:
  5. Save the changes to update the allowed IP addresses.

Step 2: Obtain Connection Details

Before you can connect to your DigitalOcean Database instance from Outerbase, gather the following information:

  • Host Name: This is the network address of your DigitalOcean Database instance.
  • Port: The port number through which the database listens for connections.
  • Username and Password: The credentials for accessing the database.
  • Database Name: The specific database you want to connect to.

Step 3: Connect from Outerbase

With the necessary information in hand, configure your Outerbase application to connect to your DigitalOcean Database instance.

  1. Open your Outerbase application's configuration.
  2. Locate the database configuration section.
  3. Enter the DigitalOcean Database host name as the database host.
  4. Provide the port number.
  5. Use the username and password you set up for authentication.
  6. Specify the database name you want to connect to.
  7. Save the configuration changes.


Congratulations! You've successfully established a connection between your Outerbase application and your DigitalOcean Database instance. This enables your application to interact with the managed database service offered by DigitalOcean.

Remember to keep your credentials and connection details secure, and regularly review your security settings as needed.

For more detailed guidance and troubleshooting, consult the DigitalOcean Database documentation.